Monday, June 17, 2013

DIY Home Decor for the Crafty Homeowner

Updating your home can be very costly, especially when you are trying to keep the overall look consistent throughout your home. If you are the arts-and-crafts-y type, chances are you've already found ways to redecorate on a budget. In this post, I have included 5 step-by-step tutorials that will produce beautiful, handmade home accessories that cost only pennies, as long as you are willing to put in a little elbow grease!

1. Stone placemats - This tutorial is so simple, and yields such a gorgeous, modern product. All these placemats consist of are 12x12 stone tiles from any home improvement store, and some felt. The felt is glued to the bottom of the placemats to avoid scratching your dining table. What an easy way to modernize your dining space!

2. Fabric-covered corkboards - This DIY would look especially wonderful hanging in the home office or kitchen, and I like this one so much because you can customize the fabric colors to match ANY room in your home! All you need for this project is a glue gun, scissors, your choice of fabric, Command hooks, and pre-cut pieces of cork (the ones shown in the picture are cut into circles, and you can buy these at IKEA). Simply trim the fabric to adequately wrap around your cork pieces, glue the edges down on the back of the cork, and hang using Command hooks. 

3. Coffee table tray made from an old picture frame - My favorite thing about this DIY is that with just a few simple materials, you can transform something you were ready to throw out into something functional. For this tutorial, you'll need a medium/large sized picture frame with the cardboard backing and glass still intact, a piece of your choice of fabric a bit longer and wider than the length of your frame, batting, drawer pulls (get these at your local home improvement store), screws, and a hot glue gun. The first step is to remove the glass/cardboard from the frame and attach your drawer pulls using screws and a screw driver. Next, cover the one side of the cardboard backing with batting, then fabric and hot glue the excess to the back. Place the cardboard backing inside the frame, then take your hot glue gun and glue the glass onto the top of the frame by placing a drop of glue in each corner. Now you have a pretty, sturdy tray to place on top of your coffee table!

4. Faux "milk glass" vases - Have you ever stared longingly at beautiful pieces of vintage milk glass but not so longingly at the price tag? You can now get that gorgeous antique look at home using just two simple materials, all while finding a new use for your "blah" glass vases that need a facelift! All you need are a few glass vases/containers of any kind (these can be purchased at the dollar store or you can use existing vases you already own) and Rust-o-leum Universal spray paint in Gloss White. Simply take your glass outside and set them on a piece of cardboard, give them an even coat of paint, let them dry and now you have that gorgeous vintage milk glass look for less!

5. Penny vase - Since the use of pennies is pretty much nonexistent at this point, I think covering an outdated vase with them is a fantastic idea, especially because it really lends a modern, eclectic touch to any room. You'll need a vase of your choosing, universal spray paint in any color of your choosing, a hot glue gun, and as many pennies as you can get your hands on. Start by spray painting your vase and letting it dry. Then, grab your glue gun and begin gluing the pennies on starting from the top. Don't worry about which way the pennies are facing, as this eludes to the whole eclectic vibe. Cover the vase completely with pennies, and now you have a vase that will surely be the topic of conversation whenever you have friends over!

If you or someone you know has a question about real estate, please contact me using the information provided below.

Arthur Confait

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