Tuesday, May 5, 2015

First Time Home Buyers - When Should You Buy?

Buying a home and starting a family - it's the "American Dream". It seems as if that is what most young professionals aspire to accomplish these days, and for good reason. There are many benefits of purchasing a home, such as:

1) The ability to build equity
2) Lower monthly payments as opposed to paying rent
3) A sense of community and accomplishment

If such benefits really do exist with home ownership, then why do young professionals feel like they have to wait to purchase? Some of the reasons include:

1) They do not think they have saved up enough for a downpayment
2) They do not realize how much lower their monthly payments can be vs. renting
3) They are afraid they will not qualify for a mortgage

To all the first time homebuyers - The good news is.... It is easier to purchase your first home than you think! The right Real Estate professional will guide you towards the right steps for you, such as selecting a lender who can qualify you for a mortgage based on your credentials and can help you figure out how much you can afford.

How will you ever know if you do not try? Call me today, and let's get started!

If you or someone you know has a question about real estate, please contact me using the information provided below.

Arthur Confait
Email: arthurconfait@gmail.com

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